My fascination with the field of architecture began at the age of 20, when I read Fountainhead. At the time, this domain was used very effectively as a template to sketch the characters of the protagonist Howard Roark, as well as the others in the plot, who were representative of the various types of personalities encountered in our lives. At that time, my understanding of Architecture was restricted to its depiction in the contextual frame of the plot. I surmised, that it was certainly more than being just a science. It required the student to possess an ability that was a complex chemistry of intuition, creativity, aesthetics and perhaps a bit of serendipitous epiphany. 

About 8 months ago,  I finalized my plan of constructing my own abode, on a slice of paradise, nestled in the hills, overlooking a vast water body surrounded by paddy fields. The circumstances that led me to take this major decision were rather poignant and emotionally complex. Suffice to say, that I was rudely made to realize the importance of having ones own defined finite space with a roof overhead, under the infinite skies.

And then, destiny unfolded, rather fortuitously, my connect with Ravi, a very talented and creative Architect. The very next day after his  visit to the site, which was recently modified by constructing a retaining wall, to accommodate the landfill, he submitted the plan of the proposed structure. It looked very impressive, and after clarifying a few doubts, I just decided to take the plunge. The finances required were certainly out of reach at the time, but I always believed in stretching oneself in order to grow. 

And then, began this incredible romance with lines, spaces, geometry, aesthetics, philosophy, creativity and an entire  gamut of domains which I discovered were together called 'Architecture'.

I gradually realized, that Architecture is not just about designs, plans and their execution. It's a never ending courtship  with space. Space is like a beautiful woman who needs to be romanced, cajoled, and handled with extreme love and affection. The steel  matrix of the structure was an aesthetic punctuation of space, that paradoxically liberated rather than restricted. The lines, the inclines, the intersections, didn't seem to confine. They rather defined the space with a distinct flavor of my own personality. I have always been inherently rebellious, non conformist unorthodox  and the Almighty has been very considerate in scripting my life on these abstractions that defy predictability. 

I always believed that life had to have  much more relevance and content  than the rote time tested conventional archetypical format of career, family, and the clichéd chase of  wealth, success on the lines determined by societal norms. 

The lines and the designs created by Ravi very uniquely defined my ideology. An ideology of transparent nudity, that disrobed the self off all politically correct hypocrisy and facades. His design simultaneously enclosed and exposed. The enclosure of space was more an act of  aesthetically defining  the space with a touch of heresy. The heresy was not an act of seeking attention of identity. It was rather an exercise in self effacement. The space was defined unobtrusively and yet  seamlessly merged into the universe like in a meditative, transcendental  state. The self simultaneously exists as well as merges. A quantum state of Being and not being. 

The romance with space was getting better with each passing day. The brickwork, the roofing, the glass, all were conducting a symphony to woo this beautiful lady. 

The structure that stands now has a touch of understated defiance, a very subtle assertion of its own self, without  arrogance, or pride. 

It reflects a mindset of a compassionate inclusive self reliance.  Its lines only reveal a self respect, that stems from within. An identity, that never begs for attention, but  instead exudes compassion for all who visit as well as for the nature, that embraces it with open arms. 

I cannot help quoting from that iconic book, a few lines, that give a glimpse into the unique ideology of Howard Roark.

These lines are the thoughts of a more conventional prototypes that could never decipher the genius of Roark and yet come close to describing him.

What in hell are you really made of, Howard? After all, it's only a building. It's not the combination of holy sacrament, Indian torture, and sexual ecstasy that you seem to make of it."

"Isn't it?

Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead.

I don’t make comparisons. I never think of myself in relation to anyone else. I just refuse to measure myself as part of anything. I’m an utter egotist.

Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead

Dr. Deepak Ranade